Monday, October 3, 2011
It's been a while...
The Anniversary of 9/11. A child dying of Cancer. A friend's baby undergoing open heart surgery. Another precious friend's infant son hospitalized. A family member finding out they have Breast Cancer. A child in our town being hit and almost killed while riding his bike. A relatives step daughter being diagnosed with a disease that could destroy her liver. My great aunt being hospitalized. My family all being incredibly sick with a stomach bug at the same time (though pale in comparison to all the other stuff).
These are just the things I can remember off the top of my head that happened in the time frame of about the last month.
I feel like all around me, a storm is brewing. I can feel the heavy winds and rain, but it hasn't totally swept me up and carried me away, yet I feel like it could at any moment.
There are such scary and heartbreaking things going on in the world around me.
I start to get overwhelmed, and then I start talking myself down from the ledge.
"Ok, Katy, the very worst thing that could happen, is that you could die. If you die, then you are Heaven-bound, and that is, that is Great. So, really, the worst thing that could happen, is good. So, no matter what, everything will be ok"
Yes, this is really my logic. Yes, really.
It may sound crazy, but it actually makes sense. I believe in God's promise of Eternity. I know this life is full of suffering, trials, and constant change...this is all so we will lean on Him. So we will draw near to Him. I get that. I do. But life on Earth is hard, and scary, and we are just human.
I remind myself that in our weakness, He is made perfect. When I am scared, He is perfect. When I feel alone, He is perfect. When I am unsure, He is perfect. When I am desperate and crying out, He is perfect. He is more than capable to handle anything that comes our way. That is such a comfort to my heart.
I guess my point here, is that there are so many sad things happening around me, and truthfully, I don't want to be next. Then again, who does? I mean, I am constantly going through trials, but I just don't want "something big" to come my way. I don't want to suffer. But I know if anything like that happens, He has got my back.
I want to be thankful for adversity, for through it I am blessed. I am made stronger, my character is built.
Thank you, Jesus, for stressful days with my means I have my children here with me.
Thank you, Jesus, for a mortgage and utility bills and a car shows I have a roof over my family's head with heat and running water...and a vehicle to get us to school, work, doctor appts, the grocery store, etc.
Thank you, Jesus, that I miss my husband and feel lonely at night...He has a job and is able to provide for us.
Thank you, Jesus, for homework deadlines...I am able to go back to school to try and better myself.
Thank you, Jesus, for disagreements with friends, siblings, and means we are comfortable enough with each other to speak our minds, even if it gets a little heated at times, and we are able to forgive each other and start again.
Thank you, Jesus, for discomforts and hurts and struggles...they bring me closer to you...and there is absolutely no place I'd rather be.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
I think most parents, at some point, think that. Don't they?
There are times when I want to shut myself and my family, off from the world. I want to home school. And grow our own food. I want to be self sufficient. I want to live in a bubble. It sounds silly to say it out loud, or see it written down. And some of those things I would like to do, even if I didn't think this world was a crazy place. But, it's just an overwhelming feeling to want to protect those you love, most especially your children.
I'm glad I don't have the option to freeze time, because I probably would. It's a daily reminder I have to give myself, "We are raising our children to be responsible, successful adults. They won't be your babies forever. They won't be at home, under your wing, forever."
Why can't they stay little?
Anyway, I think all this "9/11" stuff has just pulled those feelings back up to the surface. The need to protect. The need to shelter my babies.
I know I can't...not forever, at least. I know God can, though.
I thank God for those that protect our country, because they are also protecting my children. I am so proud of the brave men and women that sacrificed on 9/11. I am proud Americans know how to come together in a such a time. I am so sorry, so saddened for those that lost loved ones. I am truly thankful, that I don't know what that feels like, yet so burdened for those that carry that hurt.
My heart aches for Mommies who couldn't protect their babies, even if their babies were grown men and women.
I remember when and where I was when the planes crashed. I will never forget, not only those details, but also what 9/11 stands for. What we lost, and how we united. I pray we never see a day like that again. I pray my children never see a day like that again. God bless, comfort, and protect...
Sunday, September 4, 2011
One & Fifteen
Andrew's birthverse:
Psalm 9:10 NIV
Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you.
Blake's birthverse:
2 Corinthians 9:8 NIV
And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.
Precious Father, thank you for my two of my most amazing blessings, Andrew and Blake. Thank you for equiping me with what I need to be their Mom. Please protect them and guide them always. Please let them always know how much they are loved by their parents and by You. In the Holy Name of Jesus, Amen.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
I wish
I didn't have a headache
My house would clean itself
I could eat all the goodies I wanted without worrying about weight gain, or health
I was more of who Jesus wants me to be
I wish...
Gas wasn't so expensive
Cell phone (bills) weren't so expensive
That EVERYTHING wasn't so expensive
And that I was better at being frugal
I wish...
I never had to worry about my children ever being hurt by others
My children would never have to face trials and suffer consequences
I was more faithful and more trusting in God's plan for me and my family
And that I could just let things go and know God is better at handling things than I am
I wish...
Some people weren't so mean and selfish
That people (including myself) were quicker to help others and slower to judge
That we could get the other side of our fence replaced to match the new side, sometime soon
I wish...
That my hubs wasn't at work tonight
That I was closer to getting my college degree than I am
That I was ADD
I wish...
I could sit and share conversation and coffee with both of my grandmothers who have passed, just one more time
There was no hunger, sickness, or abuse in this world, in this life
That I could in had a good voice
I wish...
I was on a tropical vacation with my family
That when we got done with our tropical vacation, we would get to go on a ski vacation
Everyone had someone to love them
That life was easier
I know, I probably am not allowed that many wished. But, Those are my wishes, for today, for now...I'll let you know if anything changes... :)
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
"...And can I sail through the changing ocean tides
Can I handle the seasons of my life?
Oh oh I don't know, oh I don't know..."
I know, it should be God's word running through my mind, and it is, but so is Fleetwood Mac. Just sayin'.
My husband will be jobless after his company shuts it's doors in a couple months. He wants to try to go into business for himself. I'm scared, but I want to support him. He is SUCH a hard worker and has always provided well for our family. I have NO DOUBT that if it doesn't work out, he will do what he needs to do to "fix it".
We are both contemplating going back to school. I'm scared about that, too. It just seems like change after change. I know. God doesn't want us to get to comfortable with life here on Earth, because 1)It's not our home and 2)It makes us draw nearer to Him.
I have no idea what our future holds. Well, I know that our future FUTURE is Heaven. And, really, I guess that's all I need to know. I can't promise I won't have a few breakdowns or freak-out's, but at the end of every day, when I lay my head on my (comfy, I might add) pillow...I know my Father has me, has us, in the palm of His gracious, protective hand. So, I'm just going to have to be ok with not knowing where we are headed at this moment.
In the book of Matthew God calls us ...
“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?"
God is telling me not to worry. He also tells me not to store up treasures...which should be pretty easy to adhere to if my hubby doesn't have a job :) Kidding! Kidding! Seriously, I love the Lord. I will try not to worry and trust in Him alone. I will also take comfort that He knows my sad, pitiful, human heart...and that He will still love me and care for me (and my family) on the days when I fail miserably.
Can I handle the changes of my life? I honestly don't know, but I think I can. I know God will take me farther than Fleetwood Mac, though. Just sayin :)
Monday, August 8, 2011
I miss you...
These days I don't cry near as often, and when I do have a break down, I'm able to "buck up" and get over it much more quickly. As time goes by, you do learn to cope much better, but your heart doesn't miss them any less. It just doesn't.
To say I hate cancer, would be a gross understatement. Though, I know everyone dies, everyone has a time they must leave Earth...and I guess if it wasn't cancer, it would have been something else. I hate it just the same.
I know they aren't missing anything in Heaven, I know they lack nothing in the presence of Him. But, my love for them is so strong and big, I think it must overflow from my heart sometimes. I hope that love isn't out there floating around, but flying right up to Heaven, to where they are.
I love and miss you, my sweet Mamaw and my precious Gma.
I know you have peace on every side...and all is well.
Hugs to you in Heaven, from here on Earth...
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
My week, in review
Yesterday was a doozy. Isabel finished Kindergarten back in May. She passed everything, but she still seemed immature compared to most of the kids her age, so I felt like the best thing to do was have her do another year of Kinder. It would give her another year to mature, grow, learn, etc, before going into first. I felt good about the decision, until this past week. This past week it has been heavy on my heart that I shouldn't be holding her back. Did I pray? Yes! As much and as focused as I should without letting my own wants/needs get in the way? Doubtful.My boys have always done great in school, and they say girls mature faster than boys, so I am personally struggling with the fact that my daughter is struggling. Anyway, in short, a series of events happened that made me realized it was better for her to go on to first. I feel SO much better having made this decision, but up until late yesterday morning when I made that choice, I was literally sick at my stomach. It put my whole day off keel, and I was on edge about EVERYTHING yesterday.
I also know some people going through some very tough times, and I don't want to mention specifics because people who may read this know those people and, well, you know how sticky that kind of stuff can be. But, still, my mind has just been SO weighed down. I feel better today though, for the most part. I read another blog a while back about a family going through a struggle...their child has cancer. The Mom talked about how she longed for those normal days of chasing kids, worrying about bills, what to cook for dinner and a messy house. She said she never realized what a blessing it was to ONLY have those worries. So, I am trying to refresh my outlook on life. I know I'm blessed, but some days it's so easy to forget just how much so.
I managed to somehow clean my boys' room. Let me just say...UGH. Now, I know what some of you are thinking, "Aren't those boys old enough to clean their own room?" To answer, yes they are. Most of time, I have them do so. But the way they clean just wasn't sufficient this time. Don't judge me. I wanted it to be CLEAN. Everything in it's place. And I worked my bootay off in that room and got it done. Let me say, they are doing a pretty decent job of keeping it picked up, too :)
Over the weekend my family just kind of hung out while Big Daddy had to work for most of it. He is such a good provider for our family and I am so thankful for him. Last Friday I went to a friends and watched her and another sweet friend decorate cookies. I tried my hand at it, also. It wasn't beautiful, but I have hope for the future :) It was also fun to hang out with grown up women, and the time ended too quickly! I also made "My Prize Orange Cookies". This is a cookie recipe that my great grandmother used to make for me when I was little. They are the. best. cookie. ever. I'm ashamed to say how the recipe makes, because it is a TON, and each and every one are gone. And believe me, I had my part in that. I only make them a couple times a year because it's quite a production. But, when I do, I miss my Mamaw so much because it's though my great grandmother made them for me years ago, after she passed away and I got a little older, my Mamaw and I started making them together. I've blogged it before and I'll blog it Mamaw was the best cook ever. Best cook AND baker. What I wouldn't give for a phone call from Heaven from her RIGHT NOW.
OH! I forgot to add in there that we also went school supply shopping a couple days ago. I think it gets more and more expensive each year. Then again, it doesn't help that we have three kids in school. We still have some stuff to get, but for the most part, it's done. And it feels fabulous because I usually wait until the last minute!
So, basically, my week can be summed up like this: Stress, Cookies, and the reminder to be thankful for my daily struggles...Yes, thankful for my struggles!
Monday, July 25, 2011

He really won't have much to do with the pureed baby food anymore...he wants the real stuff. Last time I blogged about his "milestones" I think he was pulling up. A little over a week ago Blake was sitting in the living room floor and just stood up, without holding on to anything. He's been doing it quite a bit, and I just know his first step is coming soon. We shall see. He babbles quite a bit, but I haven't noticed and clearly spoken new words..."Dada" still seems to be his favorite. He seems to be the first, out of our four, that prefer David. His face lights up every time he sees his Daddy. He is generally really happy, but doesn't seem to smile quite as easily our others did. He really is amazing.
The other kids are doing very well also. We are just still enjoying Summer break, with NO rush for it to end. My only complaint is that with the older kids being home all the time, it is even more evident how MUCH they fight. They argue from sun-up to sun-down. It drives me insane. Any ideas on what to do? I have no clue. I will admit I have been lax on praying about that area of our lives lately.
Anyway, things are going pretty good in our neck of the woods. We are all healthy and blessed. What can I say? Life is good. Now, if the weather would just cool off...
Saturday, July 2, 2011
This weekend
With all these children, it's hard to get away out of town or anything, so we will probably pick a day and do dinner and a movie, alone. Since this is a holiday weekend, it's too busy to try and sneak away. I think our plans are to go to the lake tomorrow...can you say HOT? We usually have the family over and cook out and do fireworks at our house, but I think we may be switching it up a bit this year. Either way, I plan on enjoying myself :) I am also thankful to live in America. I'm so grateful for our freedom. Thanks to those who have fought for and protected our country. So, happy Independence Day to you all. I hope you have a fabulous, safe holiday weekend!
Monday, June 20, 2011
Lazy days of Summer...
Speaking of Blake being 9 months...there is really not too much new going on since I updated @ his 8 month mark. He is pulling up a lot more, holding onto stuff and walking while hold stuff. He still LOVES to eat. His second tooth is starting to come in, even though the first one isn't quite in all the way (I don't think??). I'm not sure of all his stats, his 9 mo. checkup is later this week. He is generally really happy and he is doing fabulous.
Our other three kids are doing great as well. Joseph had his checkup from getting his tonsils out, and the doctor says he needs about two more weeks to fully heal, but is doing good. The kids have all been staying up a little later and sleeping in later, especially the two older boys. I am absolutely loving not having to set the alarm to get everyone up and going for school (though Blake is my "built in" alarm clock). It's one thing having to get up early, it's another having to rush around getting ready, and making sure everyone else has what they need to be ready and then be somewhere on time! Eek. I also am definitely NOT missing the parent pick up lines at the schools. I am really happy about a break from that!
We haven't really been anywhere yet. We did go to In N Out burger, a little over an hour away, to try it out. My Dad missed them from when he worked in California and had talked about buying a plane ticket to just fly out and eat at In N Out. So, for Father's Day we drove over and tried out one of the newly opened ones in Texas. I must say, it was REALLY good. This Summer, because of David's job, we really don't get a vacation. We do plan to go to Beaver's Bend a little later in the Summer. We may take a couple of water park trips or something like that. Who knows! :)
This week I am planning on getting this crazy house in is so unorganized and messy. Blah. Oh well, at least it's Summer!
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Tonsillectomy pictures
"See those tonsils down in there? They are whack!"

Being wheeled back to the O.R.


Again, my handsome boy, recovering...

Getting the IV removed...we have a tough kid :)

So proud of my brave boy!!!
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Tonsils...and it's Summer in Texas!
Today I had the awesome idea to go to Walmart and pick up a ten dollar plastic pool for Blake to splash in, out on the patio. Let me just say that A WEEK AND A HALF AGO my sweet ALMOST 9 month old got so sick with a virus. It wasn't a 24 or 48 hour virus like I am used to people around here getting...this thing lasted for 5 days! I mean we are talking "the works" when it comes to the symptoms he had. It. Was. Terrible. Then, just as those symptoms were subsiding, the runny nose, cough and watery eyes started. I'm not sure if it's a cold, or if it's allergies...but we are going on day 11 of my baby boy NOT being himself :( He has been happier the last two days, though, so back to the pool. I thought it would be something fun for him to do. I decided to get the $15 dollar size once I got there...only five more dollars, right? I mean WHO CARES if it was gonna fit in the back of my SUV. The problem started when I wandered OUT of the lawn and garden section. He needed sunscreen. Well, we had some at home already, so maybe "need" isn't the right word. But, the Coppertone Water Babies was on sale AND I had a coupon, so I felt like we should have another bottle. Oh, he needs little swimmers! We don't want the diaper to get wet and break apart and make a mess, so over to the baby section we went. There, I did find the swimmers, plus an outfit, and a toy. I then realized he didn't have his own beach towel. Don't worry, I found a reasonably priced one. On the way back to the Lawn and Garden section I passed the outdoor dept. where they have life jackets. Don't laugh at me. I wasn't going to put him in a life jacket for the baby pool, which I would be sitting right there with him the whole time. But, we like to go to the lake, where he really will need one. And, it's a super cute life jacket.
So, I really should not and will not post what my "supposed to be $10 trip to Walmart" turned into. Don't judge me, you know you've done it, too. For some reason that book, "When you give a Pig a Pancake" is running through my mind.
Anyway, here are some pictures of baby Blake and his first swim. Forgive his sad eyes, again he just isn't back to feeling 100% yet!

Monday, May 30, 2011
My desire...
The woman sounds too good to be true. I know in my heart I will NEVER be that woman, but that doesn't mean I can't desire to be that woman. It doesn't mean I shouldn't pray about and try to be that woman. When I am really honest with myself, I know I fall short as a Mother and Wife. I always feel like my husband and kids deserve better. Not because they are perfect. But because that is my personal conviction.
I love the Lord. I want to honor and obey Him. I know if He were sitting here with me, He would tell me the truth, that I have much room for improvement. The thing is, I am your typical female. At least I guess I am. Some days I feel like I fare pretty well. Others I know I don't. Some days I put on love so well, that I feel like I could overcome the world. Other days I wallow in self pity. Only, is this typical? Maybe it's not. Maybe it's my analytical nature. Maybe it's my ADHD. I jump from here to there, and back.
It's confusing, it's not be always knowing I should be more. Then again, when I do put forth the effort, I know God notices. That IS worth it.
Do you follow? Maybe not.
I desire to be the woman who forever has her family's best interest at heart. And, for the most part, I do. But I definitely have my selfish moments, too. I don't want to have selfish moments. The proverbs 31 woman works herself to the bone, but never complains. She's a stay at home Mom, but she's "earning" for her family. She makes the most of what they have, instead of complaining to her hard working husband about how badly she wants a vacation, or even just a break, or...cute new shoes. She is wise. She is noble. Her husband praises her...and her children call her blessed. FYI, my children have never called me "blessed"...just sayin'.
So, to be a Proverbs 31 woman is my desire. I would say it's my biggest desire as far as Earthly things go. Anyway, there you have it, blog world.
Oh, and it's Memorial Day! Thank you US service men and ROCK. May the Lord God bless you and keep you!
Monday, May 23, 2011
End of the school year
I think this year flew by even faster, for me, because of baby Blake. I am always So busy with him that it seems I never have enough time to focus on the three older children. I feel like my mothering skills have gone down the tube with those three. It breaks my heart, but right now I don't know how to fix it. So, here we are at the end of another year.
When school starts back up in August I will have a Kindergartner (Isabel did Kindergarten this year, but her Dad and I decided for maturity purposes it would be best to have her do Kinder again), a 5th grader, and...a high schooler! I know I was young when I had Andrew, but seriously, how can I have a high schooler? 9th grade! In a few months he will take Drivers Education. Eek. Ok, that's a whole 'nother post. Later Folks. Have fun ringing in the Summer!!
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Random/8 months
Two of my handsome boys playing in the highchair times.

and a picture of baby B asleep, with his hiney in the it!

and a picture of baby B and

Also, can't believe sweet baby boy is now 8 months (as of a few days ago).
*His newest achievement is pulling up. I now have to MAKE sure I put the side of the crib up (Yes, we have that kind, it was the same one that Joseph and Isabel used :)
*He is crawling around like no body's business
*He can get into sitting position all by himself and stay there as long as he wants
*He is still taking Similac Sensitive, along with just about every type of baby food we find, he LOVES to eat. That's my boy! He likes the puffs and the cookies snacks, and the freeze dried yogurt he does pretty good with. His absolute favorite is the Yo Baby blueberry yogurt. I can barely feed it to him fast enough!
*He LOOOOVES to put stuff in his mouth...our other three were always pretty good about this, they didn't put TOO much in their mouths, but with Blake...everything is straight to the mouth. UGH. The other day he had a penny in his mouth. I almost died. Seriously. :(
*He still adores his siblings...ADORES them. His face lights up even at the sight of their picture. And, I think it's safe to say the feeling is mutual with all of them.
*If he's not asleep, he is in CONSTANT movement
*He is just a couple ounces away from 20 pounds. Time to switch to a convertible car seat.
*He loves, loves, loves taking a bath, he just hates having his hair washed
*He USUALLY sleeps all night in his crib. We lay him down about 8pm, and he just goes to sleep. Sometimes he wakes up once, and I give him a bottle in his crib. He goes right back to sleep.
*He is a very happy, pleasant baby...and we love him!
Friday, May 13, 2011
The (hair) story of Blake
In the first one, he is just about a week old. Not the most hair ever, but definitely a fair amount for a newborn.
After a few weeks, he starts having less hair, I can tell some spots are being rubbed off.
By the time he was 4 months, in the second picture, he was just short of totally bald.
The last picture is @ 7 months. It has all grown back in and then some. Now he's 8 months, and his the hair over his ears and forehead are kind of, ummm, stringy, maybe? I am tempted to trim it up. But, I don't want to cut it just yet.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Snaggle tooth

Thursday, April 28, 2011
Thirty-two. 32.
I remember when I thought 32 was old. I remember when I used to stare at adults wondering if they belonged in the looney bin when they uttered things like, "Time flies", "It seemed like you were a baby just the other day", "I was your age once". Ha! "Yea right, old timer, you were my age like a million years ago" was a thought that passed through my mind. Now that I'm
Anyway, most all my life, I've always been told I look younger than my actual age. I still get told quite a bit, but not NEAR as much as I used to (the brewd of kids we have are spurring on early wrinkles). I was never one of those girls who wanted to be older, or look older. I was content. I liked young. I had a terrible time with every birthday past 27. I just saw myself getting OLD. And, though I can't believe I am seriously turning 32, I am feeling pretty good. I'm not worried, or mad, or embarrassed. I feel really good about it, to tell the truth. I mean, I have made lots of mistakes in my life, some really bad and big ones. But, I am only who I am because of what I've been through. I am me. I feel good about that. These two quotes come to mind.
The first, by Dr. Seuss:
"Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”
The other by R C Allen:
"We grow because we struggle, we learn and overcome."
My life has been harder than some, and easier than others...but this is MY life. It feels nice to be happy about celebrating my birthday. The day God allowed me to enter this Earth, to my Mother and Father. My husband. My kids. My home. I just feel good (did I already say this??). I have had a blessed 32 years. An amazing 32 years. Not perfect, but quite fabulous, if I do say so myself...and I do say so. So, happy glorious birthday to me. I have a feeling I am going to love, love, love what 32 feels like.
Oh, and a Happy Birthday to my friend, April, who shares the same exact birthday! Love you!
Friday, April 22, 2011
Happy Easter
The angel spoke to the women: "There is nothing to fear here. I know you're looking for Jesus, the One they nailed to the cross. He is not here. He was raised, just as he said. Come and look at the place where he was placed.
Matthew 28:6 (The Message)
Have a lovely and blessed Easter, wherever you are...
Monday, April 18, 2011
Thanks to my dad for taking the pictures!
Happy Spring, Everyone!!
Circus pictures
These guys were very cool...they slipped a couple of times, good thing for the safety net!

Something about these huge animals sitting there in such a dainty pose, LOL, I found it really entertaining...

My girl riding an elephant (her 2 cousins were on there, too) during the break...

This guy was INSANE. Too hard to tell from the picture how small the box was and how he just folded himself up like taffy and got inside of it..eek! It amazes me enough when women do it, the fact that this guy could do it was crazy...

Pretty elephants and women dressed up...loved the butterfly wings!

Th-Th-Th-That's all folks!
Sunday, April 10, 2011
7 months
I must admit, even after 7 months of getting used to being a mommy of four, my brain still hasn't returned to "normal" (whatever that is). But, life is good, and we are blessed. Blake is happy and healthy (he just got over a seriously tough ear infection..thank GOD that's over with!) and he LOVES baby food (mainly blueberry yogurt, squash, and pears) and the baby biter biscuits. He's not really big on the "green" baby foods. Boo. But, oh well. He is still on Similac Sensitive and takes quite a bit throughout the day. He is close to 19 pounds. I can't believe he's going to need a "big boy" convertible car seat in just a about a pound. No more infant carrier. He babbles SO much, and drools still. He ADORES all three of his siblings, and our family dog, Kiki. Only a couple weeks ago he started "reaching" for us when we go to hold him...melts my heart when he reaches for me. Here in Texas, Summer is fast approaching, and I don't think it will be long before we take him for his first swim. He LOVES taking a bath, so I'm hoping he loves swimming as well. We got a new baby swing for him to attach to the big kids swing set in our yard, which he loves, of course. All of our babies have been movers. I'm also curious to see if he will follow suit of all his siblings, and be a climber. EEk. I kinda hope not! So, my baby boy is growing, growing, growing...and we are just blessed, blessed, blessed! Love to all...
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Can't think of a good title here...
I think it's because that's how I feel about myself. Not in a down, depressing way. But, no matter how hard I try, no matter how much I improve, I am still damaged. I'm still not good enough. On my own, I just fail. I am damaged at best, for sure. But, The Lord fills me, and makes up for my iniquities. My short-comings? They show up in droves. My failures? Overwhelm me on many days. At the end of the day, especially a bad day, it's nice to lay down in my comfy, cozy bed (thank you for that, Lord) and give it all to Him. I know He has me covered. I just love that song because it's such a precious reminder. If you haven't heard it before, please look it up and listen.
The Lord even covers me when I want to loose it with my kids, which brings me to the photos I'm sharing ;) yesterday, I went to get some Spring pictures with, dare I say it, ALL FOUR KIDS. What a workout. My Dad took the pictures and they turned out really cute. No editing has been done yet, these are in the rough, but I ADORE them as is. I'm doing something with the pictures of all four kids together, but I wanted to share a few of Blake, who is almost 7 months now.

Sunday, March 27, 2011
This life.
Anyway, I just started thinking about the things God has brought me through in the last couple of years. Not only brought me through, but made me better because of it. I learned from the experiences. I didn't want to go through that stuff, I didn't want to learn those lessons. But, I do feel stronger, better (if you will), closer to my Creator...because of those struggles. This world is filled to the brim with hurt, lost, hungry, sick, scared, suffering, oppressed, and lonely people. I start to wonder why can't that all be done away with? Why can't we all be healed and healthy, with no worries or concerns? With no burdens and no heartache? Then I am reminded why...because THIS is Earth, it's not perfect...but Heaven is. That's what we have to look forward to...Heaven, a perfect kingdom that will last forever, without end. I can't wait until the day I meet Him, face to face. What a glorious day it will be.
But, until then, this Earth is my temporary home. I want to do what I can to help make it better, but I do get overwhelmed at where to even start.
Lord, help me to be who and what you want me to be. Forgive me when I get preoccupied with the path I think I should be on, and help me to remember to let You lead the way. I love you Lord. I'm thankful for my many blessings, that I am so undeserving of. May my life be a reflection of the mighty works you do in me.
In the name of Jesus, Amen.
I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.
John 16:33
In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.
Matthew 5:16
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Monster slugs

Saturday, March 19, 2011
Here I am
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
How she eats apples...

This is how Isabel eats apples. Whole, yet peeled. Odd. She used to like them peeled, cut up, and sometimes added salt (which I think is grody on apples!). I was talking about it, saying we needed to cut back (I'm a salt-a-holic), and I guess she heard. Since then, she's mostly avoided the salt. Salt definitely isn't something she needs, so it doesn't bother me one bit. Even though all of our children are on the skinnier side, not even close to being overweight, I want to teach them healthy eating habits(boy, do I have a long way to go). Those habits stay with them, and when they get older, and not so skinny and not so easy to stay in shape, it will be much harder to change those bad habits. I am struggling with my "size" now, and it was FAR from being an issue when I was a kid. Therefore, I can hopefully take a cue from my Iz and cut back on the salt, myself! But, I just thought it was cute that she has her own (odd) way of eating apples! Hopefully it will still keep the doctor away ;)
Monday, February 28, 2011
Escape from Alcatraz Bumboland

Friday, February 25, 2011
What Katy Eats
Where I tell you about my palette issues...

Why is that eye palette so messy you ask? Well, I asked the same thing! I'm not big into all. But, my friend, Amber over @ Olive Gypsy has been doing lots of makeup posts, and kind of planted a seed with me! So, I ordered a few things after deciding I am finally old enough to play in makeup. hehe. Anyway, I was waiting, waiting, waiting for my package (you know how that goes). Then, I was on my way out the door to pick up the kids at school and saw it on my porch. I grabbed it and took it with me in the car, deciding I couldn't wait until I got back home to open it, and would do so in the parent pick up line. I opened the box, and immediately saw powder, residue, or whatever the correct term is for broken makeup (help me out here, Amber!) all over the box. Just great! I knew something had to be damaged. My other two items were fine but my Too Faced Palette looked like, well, like it does in the picture. I was SO annoyed. Granted, I wasn't really "mad" since it's just makeup, and I knew Sephora would fix it. I called them immediately and they quickly pulled up my info and said they would be sending a new one right out to me. Fabulous! Then, I got a shipment notification in my inbox. Normally I wouldn't even have clicked on it, I already knew what it was and that it was coming, but for kicks I opened the link. Aghhhh! They had shipped it to my OLD address from 6 years ago. What? How? So, I called them again and explained the situation. They were able to "reroute the package". I seriously had NO clue they could do that. I thought once it was shipped, that was that. Anyway, I haven't got my new palette yet, but I am thinking it will be here today or tomorrow. Hopefully. I will add that I really really love Sephora. I love their selection and in my opinion their customer service is great (and I'm referring to more than just this time)! I love that you also get samples with every order. I'm allergic to most perfumes, so I really don't ever buy it. I love that I can get mini perfumes for free when I order something else, just to try and see if I am able to wear them (usually not, but then I can pass them onto my Mom or a friend). Anyway, that's my story about my makeup was blog worthy, don't you think?
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Cookie time...

I was searching on the web for a chocolate chip cookie recipe, and came across one I wanted to try. I'm tired of the spoon and bake ones...borrring. These were really good, and yielded about 4 dozen for me (though the last batch didn't make it out of the oven alive, I forgot all about them...yikes!). The only difference was that I used milk chocolate chips, because that's all I had in the house. They were a bit on the rich side for me with those, so next time I'll probably make sure I have regular choc chips. They were really good today on the second day though :)
1 cup butter, softened
1 cup white sugar
1 cup packed brown sugar
2 eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
3 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
2 teaspoons hot water
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 cups semisweet chocolate chips
Preheat oven to 350.
Cream together the butter, white sugar, and brown sugar until smooth.
Beat in the eggs one at a time, then stir in the vanilla.
Dissolve baking soda in hot water. Add to batter along with salt. Stir in flour, chocolate chips, and nuts. Drop by large spoonfuls onto ungreased pans.
Bake for about 10 minutes in the preheated oven, or until edges are nicely browned.

My middle two kiddos and I shared them outside on the picnic table with some cold milk. Fun AND Yum...doesn't get much better! :)
Monday, February 21, 2011
Kind of random...and a review

Also, I had to throw in a picture of my scrumptious little Blake, who is over 5 months now!

And a picture of Isabel's doll, simply because I walked in her room and thought it was so cute that Is had her all tucked in...she LOVES dolls. If she didn't have any other toys but dolls,she would be A-OK.

That's all folks!
Thursday, February 17, 2011
A few things...
Let me say, I am saved. I have accepted Christ as my Savior long ago. We "belong" to a church (that we love). But, lately, I have let stress take over my life. I have only been to church when it's convenient for me. I have only been in the Word, occasionally. Right now, I won't get into all the specifics of what is going on, what happened, and what led me to this point. But, I was at a point, THIS WEEK, where something had to give. I called on someone, who I believe to be an awesome woman of God, and I feel her words came straight from God. I also spent some time on my own...looking up some answers in the Bible to things I had been thinking about. These are just a few of those important things I feel God calls us on...
Should we be in church regularly?
Hebrew 10:25 says "Let us not give up on meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another- and all the more as you see the Day approaching"
Yes, we should be in church regularly.
Should we be in the word?
I know, the answer should be obvious...again, just some things I was struggling in that brought me to this...
The Bible is a LIVING BOOK "Behold, I have put My words in your mouth" Jeremiah 1:9
Someone wise shared this with me...
If you get married and take vows, then go out and live as if you aren't married...what good were those vows? What was the reason for them? What did it mean?
Therefore, If we confess we believe Jesus was sent to Earth, died on the cross, and rose again for our sins. If we accept Him as our Savior...then go on living a regular life, just like we always have, making choices that are not concurrent with what God has planned for us...what good was that commitment? If we are in church, and in the Word...we are more accountable...we are learning, growing, we are refreshed to walk with Him. In other words, you HAVE to walk the walk, not just talk the talk.
I also wondered about being around those that cause you (me) to stumble.
Or, what if WE are the ones causing someone to stumble?
Matthew 18 talks about how "woe" will come to those who aid in stumbling others.
By this you don't serve God, but your own instincts.
Turning away from those that cause you to stumble does not mean hatred or judgement-but cautionary stances-and when they are ready to repent, we must be ready to forgive.
To me, this says that if someone causing you to stumble, call them on it. Then, if they are ready to change, be there to help them. If not, let them know you need to step away, but will be ready to forgive and help them when they get ready. This also applies to fellow Christians who are trapped in sin. Call them on it. As Christians, they know better and need to be held accountable. Don't let them bring you down. But, when they are ready to repent, be there for them.
James 5:16 "Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for each other so that you may be healed-the prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective".
It's kind of all over the place I know, but, that's where I was..."all over the place".
I feel refreshed and refocused. I feel recommitted to living the life HE wants for me. I feel awesome.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Birthday girl...
A woman, when she is in labor, has sorrow because her hour has come; but as soon as she has given birth to the child, she no longer remembers the anguish, for joy that a human being has been born into the world.
I am finally getting around to doing my sweet Isabel Grace's birthday post! I cannot believe my precious baby girl just turned 6 years old. Wow.
Before getting pregnant with her, I had been on the patch for birth control. I am used to getting migraines, but they got very bad while on the patch. My doctor told me I should take the patch off and see if my headaches got better. I was afraid to be off birth control, so I said no to his suggestion. That night, my patch fell off in the shower, I took it as a sign since it had never fallen off before. I decided since it fell off on it's own, I would wait before putting another one on and see how my headaches were. They improved, so almost a month later I went to get on another form of birth control. Not only did I think the patch was still in my system, but I also though my hubby and I were being extra safe (without too many details). So, I decided on the shot, but had to take a p.t. test first. I wasn't' even concerned about it being positive, until the nurse said, "You're pregnant". I seriously felt immediately dizzy. I was 25 and we already had two boys. I did NOT want to be pregnant. I remember them asking me, "Mam? Mam? Are you ok?" They said I turned completely white. It took a bit for the shock to wear off, but it did, and I got excited about our new little one to be. I had never wanted a baby girl...when I got pregnant with Andrew I wanted a boy, that's what I got. When I got pregnant with Joseph, I wanted a boy and got my wish again. I was going to get my tubes tied after Joseph, but David talked me out of it somehow. Though I never wanted a girl previously, when I got pregnant this time, I almost immediately had the desire in my heart for a girl. I'm ashamed to say that I had never prayed about anything else so fervently, "God, The most important thing is this baby's health. I pray it is completely healthy. I know the sex of this baby is not important, but Please, PLEASE let it be a girl, Please, Lord. Unless you know a reason that this HAS to be a boy, Please give me a baby girl." I prayed THAT prayer every single day, sometimes more, until we found out the sex. I remember the day our doctor said, "I'm 93 percent sure it's a girl". I told him I was going to pretend he didn't say that, that I didn't want to hear it until he said it was 100 percent. So, on our next sono appt, he said he was 99 percent sure, I decided I would take it. I was so amazed that God cared about not only what I needed, but about what I desired. I know it could only be a boy or girl, my chances were 50/50, either way, but I have NO doubt God gave me the desires of my heart with Isabel. Psalm 37:4 says "Take delight in the Lord,and he will give you your heart’s desires." So, on February 9th I went in for an induction. My labor was so short with baby girl, that I ALMOST didn't get my epidural. She arrived with a head full of silky black hair, that never fell out, and has continued to grow at the speed of light to this day! She had the most beautiful complexion...she looked like a tiny angel. I will say, her ears and forehead were covered in hair, which kind of freaked me out, but thankfully, that hair DID fall out. And, I can't lie, I definitely see eyebrow waxing in her future. But, she is the most beautiful, sweet spirit. She is very shy. She adores her brothers. She is my lone ally in a house FULL of boys. I pray her father and I raise her, along with her brothers, according to God's will. I can't wait to see the future He has planned for her, well...I can wait a little while.

Ok, Ok...a tad bit of picture's ok, It's her birthday! :)