Ok, so I have roughly 6 months to go in this pregnancy, plenty of time for names, but I'm searching and searching, and coming up with nothing! I have scoured the name book and the internet. The problem is that I'm picky and that David and I agree on nothing.
David picked Andrew's name. i planned on him going by "Drew", but it just never stuck. I wasn't that fond of the name, but I picked the middle name, Reed, which I know don't care for now (but loved then), and though Andrew isn't my favorite name ever, I love it on my son, couldn't imagine him going by anything else. His great grandfather in Mexico, had the name Andres, the Spanish form of his name. He was only around him a few times, but I feel like it connects him to that side of his family.
I picked Joseph's name. David's dad and brother (ok, let's face it, every Hispanic family has about 10 Jose's) are Jose' and I wasn't necessarily naming him after them, it just fit..ya know? My grandfather, who passed away when I was little (but was a cool guy), we called him Pappa Joe. His name wasn't Joseph, but again, it gave me that reminder, that connection.
We argue that we both picked Isabel's name. LOL. For months, while she was still in my belly, Isabel was going to be Olivia. But, Isabel just felt right. Isabel is David's moms name...plus I love the name, plus, I read it was a Spanish form of our Elizabeth, which is used alot on my mom's side of the family (my mom, grandmother, and great grandmother all have it in their names).
So, even though our kids all have, what I think, are traditional names, I didn't really pick them because of that. I don't think? I like them because even if they aren't directly named the same exact name of someone else, they still remind me, or give me the idea of that person. Plus, I like that there are "Spanish forms" of their name. When we go to Mexico, family usually call them, Andres, Jose, and Isabel. I tend to like more true Spanish names, David does not. I love names like Pablo and Paloma, David hates them. My family hates them, they say, (jokingly) "Move to Mexico if you are going to name your kid that!" I feel like since the other three have somewhat traditional names, I can't just go off the cliff with something crazy, it would just be odd for me. There are a select FEW girl names I have come across that I like, and NO boy names. Well, the couple I did like, David nixed REALLY quickly.
Plus, when it comes to names, EVERYONE has an opinion, so I'm thinking if I find a name David and I truly like, we may keep it to ourselves until the baby gets here. That way, you may not like it, but once the name is chosen people aren't usually so negative. Although, I'm not sure if I'm strong enough to do that. I didn't want to find out the gender of the baby, but David has pretty much talked me into it by pulling the, "We won't know what kind of things/colors to buy". See, ladies? It's the shopping thing...gets a girl every time. I don't have a preference on the gender, for once, so, I thought it would be neat to be surprised when I give birth to it. However, I guess whenever I find out, regardless, it will be a surprise.
So, I'm off to scour just a little more, see if I can come up with a few more name combinations.
That way, you know, David can nix them and we can start all over again.